St. John's Christian Church

The Church on the Corner whose Cornerstone is Christ

Elementary-Aged Programs

LOGOS: Pre-K thru 5th Grade

Wednesdays 6:00 - 8:00pm | Sept. - Apr.

LOGOS is a dynamic ministry of which the goal is to nurture children into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and how to live as his disciples. Each evening contains a family-style meal, creative Bible study lessons, and worship skills (choir, bells and chimes), following the general schedule below: 


5:50 - 6:00: Check-in and Attendance 

6:00 - 6:50: Meal Time 

6:55 - 7:25: Worship Skills 

7:25 - 7:55: Bible Study Time 

8:00: Program Closes for Evening 

Friends in Faith Sunday School:

Pre-K thru Kindergarten

Sundays 9:15 - 10:15am | Sept. - May

This foundational Sunday school program is designed to engage young Christians in Bible stories through games, crafts, songs, play, and of course, snacks! 


The class has the added benefit of teaching the youngest members of our congregation the importance of fellowship and regular Sunday School attendance from an early age - which ultimately helps them develop a solid relationship with Jesus Christ! 


We begin accepting children into this class once they have turned 4 years old and are toilet trained. 

Faith Village: 1st thru 5th Grade

Sundays 9:15 - 10:15am | Sept. - May

A workshop rotation model Sunday School program for children in 1st through 5th grade. Classes take place upstairs in The Well and feature interactive lessons for children to learn about and grow in their faith. Classes are taught by a group of teachers and volunteers (Shepherds). 


To learn more about Faith Village, contact our Faith Village Coodinator, Kim M. Walker