St. John's Christian Church

The Church on the Corner whose Cornerstone is Christ

Middle School Programs: 6th - 8th Grade

JYF (Junior Youth Fellowship)

Wednedays 7:00 - 8:00pm | Sept. - May

Junior Youth Fellowship is designed for middle-schoolers to further embrace their personal relationship with Jesus Christ all while learning the importance of Christian fellowship. Wednesday evening gathering times include an interactive lesson, fun game and/or activity, and, of course, SNACKS! 


We wrap up each program year with the annual dodgeball game against SYF students - a yearly favorite competition! 


Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:00pm | Sept. - May

Confirmation is a three-year program that guides middle school youth in exploring the Bible, the Christian Church, and the Christian faith.


Goals of the program include:

  • Equipping youth to live a Christian life 
  • Preparing youth to confirm the baptismal vows made by their parents or themselves
  • Preparing youth to become active members of St. John's Christian Church.


Classes are taught by Pastor Erich Christman in the second-floor Confirmation Room before JYF activities begin on Wednesday evenings. The hour will begin with a light meal together.

Middle School Sunday School

Sundays 9:15 - 10:15am | Sept. - May

Middle School Sunday School (MSSS) is designed to supplement the Confirmation program by building a solid foundation in the Christian faith. This discussion-based class allows teens to apply Biblical thruths to their every day lives through example, practice, and intentional prayer. 


Each student is asked to bring his or her own Bible to class. Light breakfast is always provided! 


Teachers are Ryan & Keira Christman and Corey & Jocelyn Walker.